fat file system fat 文件系统 (f?t 'fail )
fdisk options fdisk选项('?p??nz)
file attributes 文件属性 ('fail ?'tribju:t)
file format 文件格式('fail 'f?:m?t)
file functions 文件功能 ('fail 'f??k??nz)
file selection 文件选择 ('fail si'lek??n)
file selection argument 文件选择变元 ('fail si'lek??n 'ɑ:ɡjum?nt)
files in 文件在 ('failz in)
files in subdirectory 子目录中文件 ('failz in s?bdi'rekt?ri)
files listed 列出文件 ('failz 'listid)
file spec (specification)文件说明 ('failz spesifi'kei??n)
files selected 选中文件 ('failz si'lektid)
find file 文件查寻 (faind 'fail)
fixed disk 硬盘 (fikst disk)
fixed disk setup program 硬盘安装程序 (fikst disk 'set?p 'pr?uɡr?m)
fixes errors on the disk 解决磁盘错误 (fiksis 'er?rz ?n e? disk)
floppy disk 软盘 ('fl?pi disk)
format diskette 格式化磁盘 ('f?:m?t 'disket)
formats a disk for use with msdos 格式化用于MS-DOS的磁盘 ('f?:m?ts ? disk f?: )
form feed 进纸 (f?:m fi:d)
free memory 闲置内存(fri: 'mem?ri)
full screen 全屏幕 (ful skri:n)
function procedure 函数过程 ('f??k??n pr?'si:d??)
graphical 图解的 ('ɡr?fik?l)
graphics library 图形库('ɡr?fiks 'laibr?ri)
group directories first 先显示目录组 (ɡru:p di'rekt?riz f?:st)
hang up 挂断 ('h?? ?p)
hard disk 硬盘 (hɑ:d disk)
hardware detection 硬件检测 ('hɑ:dwε? di'tek??n)
hasbeen 已经 (h?z bi:n)
help file 帮助文件 (help 'fail)
help index 帮助索引(help 'indeks)
help in formation 帮助信息(help in f?:'mei??n)
help path 帮助路径 (help pɑ:θ)
help screen 帮助屏 (help skri:n)
help text 帮助说明 (help tekst)
help topics 帮助主题 (help 't?piks)
help window 帮助窗口 (help 'wind?u)
hidden file 隐含文件 ('hid?n 'fail)
hidden file attribute 隐含文件属性('hid?n 'fail ?'tribju:t)
howto 操作方式(hau tu:)
ignore case 忽略大小写 (iɡ'n?: keis)
incorrect dos 不正确的DOS (ink?'rekt du:z)